Star Tours

I appear to be in the mood for Star Battle derivatives.

I haven’t seen this kind of puzzles anywhere else, so I named it “Star Tour”.  As weird as Star Battle, in my opinion.

star tour 1


  • Place two stars in every row and column such that no two stars touch each other, even by corners.
  • The stars are numbered from 1 to 2n. Moving orthogonally from star to star in order must result in a loop that visits all stars. 2n loops back to 1.
  • A number along the edge of the grid tells the number of the star first seen on that row/column.
  • An arrow along the edge of the grid tells the direction where the next star in sequence is looking from the star first seen on that row/column.

star tour 2

The first one is rather easy, but the second one with the arrow clues is tricky.

Birthday Puzzle

It’s my 18th birthday! \o/

Today’s puzzle took some wrangling. I started with the regions spelling out ’18’ and spent a day trying to develop various puzzles around them (I tried to make another Tents & Trees, for example), but I didn’t really get anything done. The next day,  frustrated,  I was looking for puzzles to solve and stumbled upon Erich Friedmann’s Gap puzzles. They only added to my frustration, really, but I realized to try and make a puzzle using gap clues, and this came out in a few hours. I think I’ve seen Gap puzzles elsewhere, but can’t remember what they were called. Something something satellite something, or something.

Birthday Puzzle

Rules: A hybrid of Star Battle and Gap. Two stars in each row and column such that no two stars touch even by corners, two stars in each shaded region (the 1, the 8 and the two boxes inside the 8). Additionally, the clues outside the grid tell the gap between the two stars on that row/column. The crossed out cell is blank.

I’m not happy at all having to cross out a cell, but the rest of the puzzle turned out so nice that I let it pass. That, and desperation to get at least a puzzle done in time. It’s pretty easy, but I really like it.

In other news, I’ll be ordering this book as a gift to myself. Hopefully it’ll help improve the quality of my puzzles.

Crypto Skyscrapers

Here’s two Skyscrapers. Every letter stands for a different number. Ranges are 1-5 and 1-6 respectively.

Crypto Skyscrapers 1

Crypto Skyscrapers 2

If I hypothetically had to say something about their difficulty, I suppose they aren’t hard. Both have a spot where you have to pause and think, but other than that things flow smoothly. That seems to be common in my puzzles.


Here’s some Linesweeper puzzles (the puzzle style was invented by Jak Marshall).

The 7×7 one is an easy starter.

I (hopefully) fixed the ambiguity issue with the 8×8 one. It might be easier but it’s also nicer now, I think. The loop can’t cross the bold line and it has to visit the dotted square.

The 9×9 one is tricky. It has clues from 1 to 8, with 5 and 6 doubled. O means the clue is odd, E means the clue is even.

Linesweeper 1

Linesweeper 2

Linesweeper 3

Add-In Circle Puzzles 1-3

This logical addition puzzle was designed to teach children strategy and to think “out-side the box”. In this case the box is round. The goal is to discover the center number by adding the four numbers that surround the center circle, but to determine those four numbers it is easier to start near the outermost rings and fill in empty slots where you know two or three of the numbers already. There is no guessing to these puzzles. All of them can be sorted through logically and methodically. I estimate each of these puzzles can be completed in 10 minutes or less. Have fun.

PNG Version
PDF Version

Easy as LITS

Easy as LITS 1

It’s a mashup of Easy as ABC and regionless LITS.

Standard regionless LITS rules:

  • The shaded area must be continuous
  • There can’t be any 2×2 blocks of shaded cells
  • The shaded area must be tileable with LITS tetrominoes such that no two tetrominoes of same shape touch


  • No row or column may have two tetrominoes of the same shape in it
  • The clues along the edges tell the shape of the tetromino that is first seen in that column or row
  • (L and J tetrominoes and S and Z tetrominoes aren’t distinguished)
  • A bolded line between clue cells means the two cells can’t see the same tetromino
  • No line between clue cells means the two cells see the same tetromino
  • A dashed line between clue cells means the two cells may see the same tetromino, but not necessarily

Hopefully I was clear with the rules.

Blits Nurikabe

This one took a bit of wrangling to make it work, because I insisted on having the diagonal read 1-2-3-4-5 whle keeping it litsable. Anyways,  I like how it turned out.


Rules: It’s a Nurikabe. It’s also a borderless LITS; or equivalently, the filled area must be tileable with tetrominoes such that no two of the same shape share an edge. Lastly, the numbers outside the grid tell how many tetrominoes are in that row/column.


Blits Nurikabe 1

Star Battle Galaxies

5th (!) post in a row…

This is a straightforward hybrid of Star Battle and Galaxies.

The centers of every galaxy are marked on the grid. The galaxies all have two-fold (180°) rotational symmetry.

Each galaxy has either two stars or  no stars. The stars need not be symmetrically placed. A black dot indicates that the galaxy has two stars in it, a crossed out white dot indicates that the galaxy has no stars. Normal white dots can be either.

Additionally, every row and column has two stars in it, and the stars don’t touch even diagonally.

Star Battle Galaxies 1

Slither Tapa

Slither Tapa plays like a mix of Slitherlink and Tapa. The continuous area inside the slither is shaded. Unshaded numbers are Tapa clues, shaded numbers are Slitherlink clues.

EDIT: Apparently also known as Tapa Rundweg or Loop Tapa (but not to be confused with Tapa Loop… :p).

Slither Tapa 1

Slither Tapa 2

They may not be that hard but I had fun making them.

Yin Yang Tapas

One more! 😀


This time, Tapa puzzles! I quite like them, I’d describe Tapas as a mix of nonograms and minesweepers. See the link for instructions.


Tap DIfferently 1

Here’s a slight variant. Plays like Tapa, but with added restrictions:

– Every column must have a different amount of filled tiles

– Every row must have a different amount of filled tiles

That doesn’t mean a row and a column can’t have the same amount of filled tiles.

(This variant is called Tap Differently in the puzzle app mentioned in my previous post.)


Now for the main course. I don’t know if this variation is unique but I haven’t seen any before. I’ve named them Yin Yang Tapas. (Feel free to suggest a better name in the comments.)


Yin Yang Tapa 1

It’s a stronger variation on Tapa. Now even the numbered tiles may be filled!

– If a numbered tile is not filled, it tells you the amount of filled tiles around it, like Tapa.

– However, if a numbered tile is filled, it tells you the amount of empty tiles around it.

Otherwise it follows the rules of Tapa: that is, there are no 2×2 squares of filled tiles and the filled area is continuous.


Yin Yang Tapa 2

Here’s a 7×7 one.


Neither are particularly hard. In any case, here’s the solution to the 5×5 Yin Yang Tapa, if you want to check that you understood the rules. Viewer discretion advised.